
Données historiques sur l'action d'Infor-emploi de 2007 à décembre 2017

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Davos and EU-China Relations: Re-thinking the Global Economy

The international order has taken an unpredictable turn. The preeminent advocator of the liberal world, the United States, has turned inward adopting protectionist and isolationist policies. On the other hand, China as the main benefactor of a globalized world has been standing out as the main advocator of global connectivity and international trade. The World economic forum in Davos reflected a changing international landscape in which Chinese leaders said to be ready to take the helm of economic global governance. In this context, EU-China relations have become of key importance in the promotion of global growth and standardized regulations. What are the main obstacles and opportunities ahead for EU-China relations? What can we learn from Davos about this relationship?

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SUORTTI Heikki, Senior Administrator INTA committee, EU Parliament
QUATRUCCI Leonardo, Policy Assistant to the Head of European Strategy (TBC)
VERNOTTI Claudia, Director, ChinaEU
VALERIANI Manfredi, EU Researcher based in Hamburg University

Join us for an exchange of views in a relaxed atmosphere, with some of the next generation of policy makers!

Open Diplomacy is a youth organisation promoting International Relations and Diplomacy among students and young professionals.

When and where : Wednesday 8 February, 18.00-19.30 - Beers Bank, 34 Place Jourdan

Price: The event is free.

Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/QrtyzKqT8iI1kTsJ2

On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/613990885476855/