
Données historiques sur l'action d'Infor-emploi de 2007 à décembre 2017

Détails d'une nouvelle ou d'un événement


Conference - From PhD to Job Market 2011

From PhD to Job Market 2011 - From PhD to Industry?

The Doctoral Schools of the VUB and of Ghent University will once again join forces to organise the doctoral conference 'From PhD to Job Market'. This year's theme is 'From PhD to Industry' and, although everyone is welcome, the focus lies on PhD students from the natural sciences, life sciences and (bioscience) engineering. The event will take place on Friday September 23rd in Brussels and will include a keynote speech, several presentations following the PechaKucha format and a long lunch/networking moment. In the afternoon you will be able to participate in one of 4 workshops: cv analysis, basics of career coaching, introduction to entrepreneurship and efficient networking.

Preliminary program:

• 09:00 - Registration + welcoming coffee
• 09:30 - Preface by vicerector for Research of the VUB, Prof. Dr. Lode Wyns
• 09:45 - Keynote: Prof. Dr. Hendrik Vanmaele
• 10:30 - Coffee break
• 10:45 - Pecha Kucha: From PhD to Industry
• 12:15 - Reception/Lunch/Networking
• 14:30 - Workshops
• 18:00 - End

For more information : http://rd-ir.vub.ac.be/en_GB/events/show/id/2399